You can earn reward points by singing up as customer or vendor.

Additionally, you can earn point by daily sign in as well.

1000 Points is the maximum that you can earn.

Sign up as customer or vendor will get 100 points.

Daily login will get 1 point. 

Earn 10% from product purchase price.

Yes. Earn point will expired within 1 Year Time.

Expired point is based on the day you earn.

For example:-

You earn 100 points on 01/01/xxx1 and will expired on 01/01/xxx2

Let say you earn another 20 points on 02/02/xxx1 and will expired on 02/02/xxx2

You may refer to My Account -> Dashboard Table.

For each 100 points will be $ 1.00

You can redeem at My Account -> My Reward section.

You will need at least minimum of 300 Points to eligible to redeem.

You can redeem up to maximum of 1000 Points which is the maximum points you can earn.

Make sure you are logout then login again.

Closing browser without logout may cause some interruptions in reward points system.

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